Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Tale of Writing Yet Again

I am very happy and proud to say that Kylie and I are yet writing Becoming Bekah again. Kind-of like crazy, actually. Between the two of us, in the last couple of days, we've written a couple thousand words by writing really long sections.

I don't know if either of us really explained how we write together - collaborate is probably a better word. 

Well, I guess you could say we share and take turns. We simply write a section - could be anywhere from 2 paragraphs to 15 paragraphs - or even longer. Sometimes they are long, sometimes they are short. Depends on how well our creative juices are flowing. Usually when one of us gets stuck and can't think of anything to write, we hand it over to the other knowing that they will probably have an idea or two up her sleeve. 
The only time we truly get stuck is when neither of us have an idea of where to go next in the story. This doesn't happen often, but every once in a while it does. We sit in front of our computers, staring at the Google Doc, wonder ''mmm...where could I go with this next?''. Like I said, this is rare and doesn't happen often enough to stop us writing altogether.

We also sometimes just don't feel like writing our stories. Do you guys ever feel this way? You sit down to write and almost feel too lazy? Or you aren't exactly understanding your characters at the time being? Well, sometimes it happens. We sit. And try to write, but nothing comes out. And if we write when we feel this way, it usually comes out sloppy and doesn't make sense in the story anyways.
This is when Kylie and I sit back and say ''maybe it's time we took a break.'' Sometimes we work on a different story that we have started, and sometimes we simply don't write anything together.
This doesn't happen very often either. We pretty much always have something we're working on together. But it does happen, just like it happens to everyone.

What is REALLY interesting is when one of us is in the mood to write and the other isn't. We get discouraged that the other isn't writing. We want to know where the story is going to head next. We want to keep going. And the other just....doesn't.
That's the most annoying thing about writing with another person. When they're not in the mood for it and you are. But of course, Kylie and I are pretty good at understanding each other in this respect. 
Actually, the two of us get along really well when it comes to our writing. There are only a few times that we've actually gotten into an argument about our writings. It's usually about something stupid that has nothing to do with the main plot, but ends up being a big deal, because we're both too stubborn to back down. 
But of course, once it's resolved, the story starts flowing again and we get back to writing and all is well with the world.
Er, I mean, our story.

Anyways, what was the purpose of this post? Oh, right. To say that the two of us were simply writing Becoming Bekah again, at a nice rate. 
I think that I got a little off topic, wouldn't you say?

Our current word count is: 69,579.
Only a couple more hundred 'til we reach 70K. And only 10,000 more words and we'll be happy to finish the book.
She and I have decided that we will not let the book be under 80,000 words. Our longest book so far was 73,000 words. It was an amazing word count to reach, but we're definitely wanting to get more word count on this story.

Okay, enough of my random ramblings.

PS - when I published this post, an advertisement came up in the sidebar, saying something about self-publishing a book. Isn't is SCARY how the Internet can figure out exactly what you're writing about? It's like they are mind-readers. scary. 

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel! Sometimes, I can get all excited about writing and write 4,000 words at one time, but then the next day I can't write anything. It stinks. :(

    Good luck with you're writing! I hope it goes well :)


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