Monday, March 14, 2011

Ashen Sky Life Episode #3: We're Talkin' About Strawberries & Book Titles, Y'all!

Sky: Um, hi!
Ash: “Um, hi?” Are you not sure?
S: Of course I’m sure. I’m just not sure how the time passed so fast between our last typecast and this one.
A: Oh. That. Yes. It did seem to pass pretty quickly, didn’t it?
S: Yes. And what do you think we should give away this time? Lia seemed to be missing the bacon.
A: Yes. I seemed to miss the bacon too. I love bacon.
S: And pancakes. This week I was trying to convince my mom to make pancakes for dinner.
A: Yum. I haven’t had a good pancake in a long time. They are yummyyyyyy.
S: Yes, they are. Sheesh, what is it with us and food?
A: We just like food. That’s all.
S: Yeah... so what should we give away this time?
A: We should give away....mmmmm.....
S: Well, we can figure this out. Speaking of giving away stuff, both Lia AND iGirl are amazeeng. And they wanted to know our titles for our current series.
A: Oh. Right. I forgot about that. Should we tell them or keep them in suspense?
S: Well.... I don’t know. What do you think?
A: Mmmm. Suspense seems fun...but I'd like to know what they thought of the titles, too.
S: Same here. So we should tell them.
A: I think that we should. Bekah and Dereck book is called....Drum roll please....
S: Becoming Bekah.
A: We were trying to come up with some interesting names for our books. Shall we go on, Sky? They don't particularly know the other characters yet since we haven't started writing the other books in the series yet.
S: Well, we can always introduce our readers to our new characters now. If you want. But that might spoil the surprise. We are so indecisive.
A: mmm. Maybe we should wait. They got one book title. They shall be happy for a while. Plus, were less than 20K away from the end of Becoming Bekah.
S: How about this... when we finish Becoming Bekah, we can tell them the others?
A: works for me. I think they'll love our other characters. Our next book is about Morgan and Hawk. They are amazing too. Hawk isn't his real name, by the way...
S: And neither is Morgan. But that's another story.
A: yes. And we'll save that for another typecast.
S: Speaking of our next typecast... I had an idea.
A: ideas are good...
S: What if we had a Q&A typecast?
A: such as? We ask each other questions?
S: Haha, well, we could do that. I actually meant that our readers could ask us questions. They would comment on this post and we'd answer them in the next typecast.
A: oh. Well. That was my next guess.
S: Yes. Do you like this idea?
A: Yes. I do. So readers, if you've got a question for us, about anything - writing, our lives- leave a comment and we'll answer it in our next typecast.
S: As long as you don't ask us weird things like who our celebrity crushes are. Or something like that.
A: Cause we seriously might skip over that.
S: Yeah, considering we don't wanna seem like fangirls or anything. Even though we can be.
A: Yup. Let's either wrap this up or change the subject.
S: Because nobody really wants to hear about Matt Thiessen----uh, anyways...
A: Okay readers, we'd better stop while we're ahead! See ya next week!
S: Wait, wait. We didn't decide what we're giving away this week!
A: Oh! Uhhhhhhh.
S: For some reason, I wanna give away strawberries.
A: Oh my gosh, if you're giving them away, I so want some!
S: Me too! They make me think of summer. So here are some strawberries... for Ash & you dear blog readers. 

A: Yummmmmm. I love strawberries.
S: Okay, okay. I want some dark chocolate too. So let's give away strawberries & dark chocolate. Because they're amazing.
A: Sounds good to moi!
S: So, readers, what's going on in your lives? Comment and let us know! We love hearing from you! And ask us questions!!
A: Definitely! We love to hear from you guys.
S: Seriously. By the way, Ash- before we go... I had some other ideas for what we could put on the blog.
A: What? I'm as curious as everyone else.
S: Yes. Because I like to surprise you with random ideas in the middle of typecasts. Surprise!
A: See people, this is why she's my best friend. Because I hate surprises...but she doesn't care. That's friendship right there...
S: Yeah. I'm such a great friend. Anyways, my idea was that we could expand our blog to include photography, and other things. Not sure what the other things are, because they slipped my memory. Anyways... since we're not writing as much, maybe we could slip random photography posts in there. Because, surprise, Ash and I love to photograph.
A: oh great. At least this surprise wasn't on me! But I love that idea.
S: Yes, me too! So, stay tuned for some photography posts... and posts about writing... and our typecast next week! Don't forget, ask us questions... pretty please?
A: yes. Don't forget! See y'all!
S: Y'all? isn't that a Southern thing?
A: Shush. I'm a PA Dutch girl but I'm branching out a bit.
S: Okay, then... au revoir! See? I can do it too!
A: Caio y'all. Wow. That just sounds like an oxymoron. Ciao. Y'all.
S: Oh my word... how weird is that. Adios, peoples.
A: Bye!


  1. Wow. XD This was...interesting. Yum strawberries and dark chocolate! Can you give away blackberries? <3 those. Muchly so.
    Becoming Bekah sounds neat!

    How long have Ash and Sky known each other? [or did y'all answer that somewhere else and now I look lame?] Which one of you loves Matt Thiessen the best? [muwahaha...jk] What sort of things inspire you two? What else do you two do besides write, photograph, and play guitars?

    That's all I can think of for now...

  2. ahahhaha! =D You guys just made my morning! Thanks for the virtual strawberries...maybe now I'll go upstairs and eat some real strawberries as my mid-morning snack...

    oh,, I'll have to think about that one--let me get back to you on that...

  3. Becoming Bekah, I LOVE IT!!! (and I go a shout out, that makes me happy ;)

    Yum, chocolate :)

    Also: I meant to ask questions about Avary, but I forgot because I was in a hurry when I read the post. My apologies.

    Well, as for questions.

    1. What is your favorite genre to write or read?

    2. What are each of your writing styles like (It'd be cool if you described each others :)

    3. Do you have a song that you like to listen to together?

    4. Do you think that sparkle is a color?

    5. If you could make one wish to change the entire world, what would it be?

    Well, that was fun. I'm going to go comment about Avary now :)

  4. Mmm.... *eats the chocolate* Tasty... :) And strawberries! I love strawberries. :D

    I love the title Becoming Bekah. :)

    Questions.... Um... *thinks* What are your favorite sports? How did you two meet? What is your favorite food? (besides bacon :P)

    ...And that's all I can think of for now. :P I'll be back...

    Love & Hugs,


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