"You can make anything by writing."
— C.S. Lewis
"Honey is sticky!" ~Ashley
"If you're watching this video, you know who you are..." ~Kylie
"Yeah, you know...duh!" ~Ashley
"Since when are we getting married?"
"Carlo! Get yourself together here. We've got nuts all over the floor!" [Kylie]
"Cocoa is so good for yo!"
"This year has gone fast really by." [Ashley]
"His elbow touched me!" [Kylie]
"Sticky buns!" [Kylie]
"Skellar Tart." [Ashley]
"Have you never seen him?! I have to show him to you!" [Ashley]
"Hey, I know...wait. No, I don't." [Ashley]
"For his one song...wait. Not song! Doi!" [Kylie]
"We should watch Jord-oh." [Kylie]
"I like to watch the video where...Hi, Fm Static!!!!!!!!!!!!" [Ashley]
"Ladies and Gentleman, Benton has crossed over to the dark side." "The dark side tastes delicious!"
"He does that weird thing with his lip! In every video!" [Ashley]
"He needs to get a lip amputation...oh, wait! That wouldn't work!" [Kylie]
"The next thing the story knows..." [Kylie]
"Pardon me."
"Do YOU ride around with a blindfold?"
"We're going to the moon, people..." [Brian Calcara]
"Smokey the Bear would not be happy." [Brian Calcara]
"Famouse makes me think of French mice!" [Kylie in a convo with Ashley]
"ME OO!" [Ashley, having typing issues]
"Never mind." [Ashley]
"Okey dokey!" [Ashley]
"That's funny." [Ashley]
"I was pale before Twilight made it cool." [Ashley]
Jordan : "Wait, what flew out the window again?"
Brian and Jordan : *crack up!*
Brian : "What kind of chips were they again?"
Jordan : "Pap-a-rika!"
"He has eyebrows!" [Kylie]
"Honey is sticky!" [Ashley]
"Yes you have. N't."
"I have no idea whatsoever."
"Oh, you do use big words!"
"Sometimes...but only sometimes." ~ Inside Joke
"Okey Dokey!" [Ashley]
Famouse makes me think of French mice!" '[Kylie]
"ME OO!" [Ashley having typing issues]
"Never mind." [Ashley]
"That's funny." [Ashley]
"I was pale before Twilight made it cool." [Ashley]
"I miss my tweeter!" [Ashley]
"Random tar..." [Ashley]
"Make sure to tell me if you meet Brian and end up dead." [Kylie]
"I got married, I don't remember what it looked like." [Ashley, about a dream she had]
"Yeah, no.." [ Kylie]
"Oh my tosh." [Kylie having typing issues.]
"Does that mean you're falling for me?"
"In your dreams."
"I'll look forward to that."
"Shut up and let's go get some cake."
"I didn't do it! I haven't done it in my whole life!" - [Kylie and Ashley]
"He's funny! But he's bad!" [Ashley]