Wednesday, July 13, 2011

In Which Much Love, Morgan is Finished

Well, I was going to post about how we reached 80,000 words on Much Love, Morgan.

Well, after a huge writing frenzy, I have an announcement to make.

Much Love, Morgan is... finished!

The past few days, we've been writing like crazy so that we could finish MLM and move on to another writing project, the story of Will & Elle. And our writing paid off. Much Love, Morgan was finished in 87 days and has a final word count of 83,127.

I'll end with the last words from our book. It's a blog entry by Morgan.

So today, and tomorrow, and every other day that the Lord gives me, I am going to thank him. Every day is just a miracle that the Lord gives us. It’s a day that we are supposed to live to it’s fullest.Go spend some time with your kids, or sisters, or brothers, or aunts, or uncles, or parents, or whoever is special to you.
Because you never know when it’s your last day. Or theirs.

“Be a best friend, tell the truth, overuse I love you, love Jesus, go to church, do your best, don’t outsmart your common sense. Never let your praying knees get lazy, and love like crazy.

That last part especially sounds like a pretty good idea to me.

Much Love,



  1. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! WHOO!!! You girls are AWESOME!! *dances like crazy and throws confetti*, when are all these books getting published, eh? ;)

  2. Congrats!!! I wanna read it!!!! I'm super excited about it, I hope you publish it so a bunch of people can see how cool it is, well I can't really say that seeing as I haven't read it, but it sounds super cool. Wow, this is a long comment.

    Oh well.


  3. Congrats! *applauds* That is definitely some really fast writing, ladies :) Congrats again!

    ~ Chy

  4. Woot! Woot! Great jobs guys! That's awesome!


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