Saturday, May 7, 2011

Of Apple Pie and New Designs

So, it's been a while since I wrote on this blog.

*waves* HI!! Remember me? I'm Sky!

Now that we've got that awkward moment out of the way, I have to introduce you to a piece of apple pie.

Once upon a time, Ashley came to visit me. We went over to a friend's house - but really, she's more like an aunt. We got there, and she had apple pie. She said that when we tasted the apple pie, we would go, "Oh my gosh!"

Our reaction?

"Oh my gosh!"

So when you have apple pie, think of us.

In other news, we're slowly progressing in Much Love, Morgan. It's kind of slow-going though, and I don't know why. Oh wait, I do. It's because we're both so busy. Hopefully things will calm down a little soon, so we can write. I miss writing!

Our current wordcount is 15,459 words. We've written 500 words since our last post! Not as fast as we've written some books, but still pretty good. I... guess.

I still think it would be amazing if we could get published. Granted, our books need a lot of work before then, but I think it would be amazing. No, it would be amazeeng! So, I'm going to keep praying that that can happen, and you pray too, okay? I just want it to happen in God's timing. And you all are AWESOME. No, actually you are AMAZEENG. Thanks for hanging in there with us through our random ramblings and moments where we're high on sugar and tend to ramble ourselves to pieces. Like me. We love you all! :D

Also, a new design is coming. Here's a sneak peak... 

It'll include a new photo header with pictures of us and our awesome feet. Also, it'll look a lot different than our current design. So stay tuned for that. I can't wait to show it to you all! :) 

Have a happy Saturday, blog readers!



  1. I can't wait to see it! But I love this design too! When I first saw it I thought: Ooh, it's so refreshing ;)

    Oh, by the way, did you figure out how to do the accordion menu my yourself? I've been wanting to do one for ages and I haven't been able to figure it out or find a tutorial :-/

    Nice to have you back!!

  2. Hey iGirl!

    Aw, thanks. :) That's sweet of you!

    I learned to do the tutorial from here:

    Hannah is a great blogger and she has beautiful templates. I'd highly recommend her. :)

    It's great to have YOU back! Thanks for commenting so faithfully!


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