Monday, May 30, 2011

Home from VACA

Whoa baby. It's been quite some time since we've posted. I was hoping that maybe Kylie would post while I was gone, but since neither of us were doing much writing (since I didn't have internet access from our condo in FL), she didn't really have any need to post much of anything!

Like I said, no internet access from our condo in FL, so we didn't do any writing while I was away. Needless to say, I missed all our characters! I couldn't even write my OWN stories because most of them are on Google Docs and I didn't have the access to them. So...I started a new one on a word document on my computer. Because, as you all know, I am a writer and I can't NOT write for that long!

Anyways, I just got home a couple of hours ago and I wrote a nice, long, refreshing part in the story! It made me feel so happy! I feel like I'm back into the grind of things because I actually got to write! :D


BTW, we are now at 22,000 words!

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Glad to have you back, post more, please, before I die :) :)

    Kidding-I won't die. I'm just in a weird mood :D


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